Tag Archives: Hair

How Not to have an undercut

21 Apr

I’m not even sure if my hairstyle can be considered an actual undercut, it’s probably more like a half-cut or ‘bald spot’ or whatever term you might feel describes it. I usually refer to the shaven part of my hairdo as my “fur”. I’ve received many, many questions as to WHY I choose to have this (“Or perhaps it happened by accident?! Oh please say it was an accident!”), but I can be short on that: I like it.

Over a year ago I decided I wanted this. I’m not really fashion sensitive I suppose, but I liked this idea. However I don’t like having hair on only one side of your head and I have a fringe I’m intending to keep, so instead of that undercut thingy I just had a hair dresser cut off a strip of hair on the side. I’ve never encountered so much trouble at a hair dresser’s, ever. “Are you suuuure you want this?”, “Oh no, I don’t want to do it, you have such long hair!”, etc. So after half an hour of discussing and reassuring she went for it. A bit. She didn’t dare cut off more than this:


I was happy with this cut, but to be honest it was hardly noticeable. One of my friends cut it slightly bigger, and then I tried dying it. I am a fan of natural hair, I myself have virgin hair and therefor no experience with anything hair related whatsoever… give an idiot a bottle of hair dye and see what happens. The only color slightly visible on my hair is purple. Hence my purple ears and hands, on which the stains always lasted longer than in my hair.


Every two weeks or so, my friend cut up my hair again. She slowly increased the shaven/cut part, and made it look nice and cut short. But then I left my home town to live in France… and had to take care of it myself.

How do you cut/shave your own hair?

First attempt: scissors
After a while my hair got so long it annoyed me. I cut my own fringe, and it always looks ridiculous for a day or so and then no one notices anymore, so I thought let’s give my under/side cut a go. Snap snap, it all looked nice, then: oops, bald spot. Cut all the hair off there. No worries, we’ll just make the entire cut a bit more bald… then, I ended up with a 54cm string of hair in my hands: that wasn’t supposed to happen either. I’ve had to scissor cut it several times and ended up with bald spots and long hair cut off every – single – time. No success:


Second attempt: razorblade
What in the world made me decide to try this?! I figured the scissors didn’t work. So I put some foam on my hair, pulled out a razor blade and started rubbing it over my head… oh well, the hairs you cut off just lie down on your head, looks like they’re still there, also you can’t really see a thing. So I kept on shaving untill I found out I’d shaven some parts of my hair more than others. (Also 5min after that I bumped my head which was very visible then…)
(This is just horrific..)

Third attempt: hair trimmer / clipper
After the previous horror coupe was covered with some fur again, I bought a hair trimmer. It had a very easy set up, I could either go for: short, very short or super short. I think I chose the ‘normal’ short version, however that’s not what I looked like. Slightly better than the 2nd attempt, however this is probably what one would consider ‘BALD’, right? Also, I accidentally shaved off some long strokes… ah well.
My point is, ehm, don’t do this at home? Or do, that stuff grows back on within days. And don’t be scared to cut off some long, long hairs…
hair trimmer casualties.

and the bald result… to be honest I kind of liked it..